The surf is large down here at the beach…The swell will start dropping out though tonight…Pretty gusty winds still Saturday so our best bet is to wait for Sunday…It will be very nice…So plan on fishing deeper…80 to 100 feet on Sunday…They chewed pretty after the last swell a few weeks ago and I am expecting it to happen again..The conditions are gonna perfect all week…So see ya Sunday morning..
Seasonal pool is now over 6000 bucks and all ya need is a 9lb fish which is easily obtainable….It could happen but not if your at home….We are also going to have a monster couple of Marathon days with 5000 daily pools as well..
As of now we are looking at the last day of Fluke season,,and the Sunday before…It will be the same as last year..Each day its 100 fare,100 pool which you have to get in..Cash only..So the 24th sunday and the 27th Wednesday..6am departure returning each day around 4pm..It as usual will entail lots of stops on wrecks and rocks..Both anchoring and drifting…Winner each day is going home with some Jumbo pool money..Plus you have shot at the Seasonal pool and the monthly pool as well…I am now taking reservations for both dates..Please text me and do not call…I will also have a waiting list if the dates sell out.Limited to 50 people each day…So sign up now,,I know alot of you are waiting so its open now..Text me your in..and which date.