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Well at least the winds have calmed down quite a bit..The ocean is lumpy still though,,more of a ground swell than anything…..I do not know if we are going to fish Tuesday yet.,,but Wednesday I think we are going to be fine..Winds are gonna lay down to about 15 and drop out to 7knots in the afternoon and we will just have probably a swell left over…After a northeaster like this the ocean drops pretty quick…So game plan is 6am departure Wednesday morning…Gonna fish all day offshore more than likely..It will involve fishing both wrecks and rocks and like last year we will more than likely doing some anchoring on these spots trying to pull off some Jumbos…Its going to be a giant daily pool,,probably over well as you have a shot at the monthly(1200) and the seasonal which is 6300 bucks as well(Jim’s seasonal fish is only 8lbs so a 9lb fish can take it!!) Wednesday is just gonna be a swell at about 8 seconds so its gonna be good to fish.I DO HAVE SOME SPOTS LEFT SO IF YOU WANT IN TEXT ME@ 848 565 0519…Check back here for any updates tomorrow..
Lets go find Jumbo!!